Our Services


We serve full breakfast. Bread from the best local baker, Serge in Ploeven. Fruit, vegetables, cheese and meat are from local producers, organically grown when available. Our chickens provide your eggs. Jams are homemade and yoghurt comes from a local farm le Kerheu. Breakfast is always included.

Price: Free

Plateau dîner

In the common room we can serve you a simple four course meal (except for in the high season). The plateau exist of an entree, a main course,  cheese and desert. We always try to use local and/or biological products. Drinks are included. Not in the high season and not every evening (mostly only Sunday … Continue reading “Plateau dîner”

Price: 30  / Once / Per Guest

Free WiFi

This is of course available. You get the log in code at your arrival.  

Price: Free

Large sharing plate

A large sharing plate for enjoying a cold dinner at the end of the day. A plate with a variety of (local) cheeses, charcuterie, olives and more. For two persons including a bottle of wine (red, rosé or white). Please reserve in advance.

Price: 50  / Once / Per Accommodation